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How are the sites organised?

To get involved in a site, you must first become familiar with its organisation. Here, each person bears a piece of the site, similar to how each person is responsible for it. Communa, through a person or team responsible for each site, accompanies the communities in all of the collective processes.  

Concretely, the involvement of the occupants is threefold.

1. Active participation in the management of a site

As an occupant, you are part of a dynamic of collective appropriation. Each ecosystem site community is in direct contact with a Communa advisor. Collectively, they organize the conditions of use, management, and activation of the spaces. The site is built up throughout the occupation with, by, and for the people we are!

In practice, it is a matter of common decision-making, maintaining spaces, and organizing a ton of things together.

Desssin Contrib' monétaire

2. A solidarity-based financing system

Each site has its economic model, and most of the time, it is a combination of subsidies and occupant contributions. Each occupant contributes to cover the costs generated by the occupation.

These contributions are fixed according to a price-conscious policy so that each person contributes according to their means. The balance of smaller contributions happens through the larger budget of the others.


3. A creative and non-monetary contribution

Everyone has different skills, resources, and sensibilities. By contributing to a site with these, occupants help create unique spaces resembling themselves that welcome everyone.

These contributions can take any shape! From organizing a ping-pong tournament open to the neighborhood, donating time to help the community run a non-profit organization, to making a projector available to everyone.

Dessin Ampoule

Would you like to join one of Communa's sites with your project? The explanations and procedure to follow are here!